- How to order semen, for U.S. buyers.
- How many acres per cow?
- How do you price your cows/select a bull?
- Heat Detection
- Evelyn Anderson
- Cows have four teats, right?
- Neonatal Diarrhea in Calves
- Girl Scout Camp for Heifers
- Selecting Dexters for Milking - The Common Myths
- What is a throwback?
- Breed Description
- The History of Dexter Cattle
- Buying a Halter
- Copper Deficiency
- De-Horning with Paste & Duct Tape
- Dexter Colors
- Polled Genetics
- Short Legged - Long Legged Dexters
- Genetic Terms
- The A2 Milk Debate
- Dexter Color Genetics Charts
- Humane Bloodless Castration
- Rumen Magnets and Hardware Disease
- Markers/Microsatellites/VNTR
- Feeders
- Testicular Deformities
- Notched Ears in Dexter Cattle
- Dexter Bulldogs and Waterbabies
- Fat Cows, Skinny Cows